(English) Taking Stock of Our Research Activities: The School of Salamanca in the Activity Report of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, 2015-2017

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Activity Report 2015-2017.

Every three years, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt a.M. presents a report of its activities, and this year’s report is brandnew:


As associated researchers, SvSal team members José Luis Egío and Christiane Birr are also part of the institute’s activities: you can find their report on the research field Legal History of the School of Salamanca (pp. 58-60) and their personal research summary The School of Salamanca. A digital collection of sources and a dictionary of its juridical-political language (pp. 88-91), as well as detailed information about all the research going on in this vibrant community of scholars.


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